"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

HF propagation to your Linux desktop

I’m sure, you already know an excellent HF propagation images from http://www.hamqsl.com/solar.html provided by Paul, N0NBH. There are some apps to show propagation on Windows and Mac desktop. I’ve been using Ubuntu Linux for years and also would like to have the image on my desktop as well.

Three new countries in last three days!

Last three days were amazing! The propagation was really good and I made three new countries – E6, T2 and 3D2KM. Especially operators of the E6GG did very good job. Almost no QRM on their freq, no cops and excellent operating. I made QSO in last two days of the expedition. Thank you! Also T2GC expedition has very […]

New website

I spent lot of time developing CQRLOG and HamQTH and didn’t have time to update my personal website. It took me some time but now it’s finished. The website is running on Joomla 3 with a bootstrap template. It should be responsive and faster than before. Now I can write a few new articles and post them more […]

FOCUS 25th Anniversary QSO Party

To celebrate 25 years of the FOC’s in-house magazine FOCUS, the 100th edition of which will be published on 1 January 2015, FOC members will be calling “CQ FOC25.”  Points will be earned, by members and non-members, for working FOC officers, FOCUS editors and any FOC members.  A certificate will be issued to everyone who achieves […]

FOC QSO Party – 13 September 2014

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen […]

Interview with me on Linux in the Ham Shack

In this episode, we have a great interview with Linux software developer and ham radio enthusiast from the Czeck Republic, Petr Hlozek – OK2CQR. He is the author of CQRlog and HamQTH.com. Unfortunately, Petr’s audio was a little hot and nothing we could do made it better. Our sincerest apologies. Sound problems aside, we hope […]

CQRLOG 1.7.4 released

I wanted to release new version after 17th of April but ARRL has changed addresses and autorization to LoTW. This is very important feature and I decided to release new version sooner. Changelog is quite long and includes a few nice features. Packages on Lauchpad are already created, CQRLOG should be available in distribution updates […]

CQRLOG 1.7.2 released!

News: after hitting ESC in any window opened from NewQSO, cursor will be returned to callsign edit field frequency in New QSO and QSO list wondow is formated to 0.0000 added Help -> Keys and shortcut to menu in QSO window   RBN integration into GrayLine showed CW speed instead of signal strench – fixed […]

CQRLOG 1.7.1 released

It has been 14 days since the last release and we have new version again. There are a few bugs fixed and two new features added. This version is released so early because I hope it could get to new Ubuntu LTS. More in Download section. Launchpad is going to start building packages in about […]