"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

Activity from OKFF-2776 – Žerka

After a very busy week spent mostly behind a desk, I needed some time alone in nature. This year, I want to visit 10 new OKFF areas. This is the first one, and I have never been here before. The weather was beautiful with a blue sky. Unfortunately, the wind was quite cold and very […]

Polní den 2004

Pěkný to závod. Moje QTH byl kopec Jílová nedaloko Bunče (Chřiby). TRX byl FT817, anténa PA0MS. Neměl jsem žádný koncový stupeň ale i tak 5 W stačilo na QSO s 9A, DL, YU, HA, OE.