Activity from OKFF-2010 Stráně Hlubokého dolu

I had to activate this area twice. For the first time, I did not make enough QSO, broke the antenna wire, and none put me into the dx cluster, so after almost an hour, I ended up frozen with 35 QSO. The weather in the afternoon was perfect, sunny with air with the autumn smell. When it became later, the temperature dropped really quickly.
The first activation started to be the ideal one. Sunny, blue sky, almost no wind, nice weather for the autumn. When we arrived at the area, the rest of the family started to search for mushrooms, and I walked a few hundred meters to reach the OKFF area. I already knew how it should look like – already seen pictures. It took me some time to get to my place, the hill is very steep. Finally found a place to put my antenna and a comfortable operating position.
Antenna deployment did go well. The wire stucked on height branch, and when I was trying to release it, I broke the atenna wire. Fortunately it helped and I could save the antenna. Quick fix worked, new deploy went fine antenna was on a tree.
The propagation was quite bad, I spent almost an hour trying to make at least 44 QSO to have a valid activation, I didn’t – ended with 35 QSO. Noone put me to the dx cluster even activity on SSB didn’t help.
We have visited the same place next weekend. I found better place for operating, antenna deploy went fine, no problems. With better propagation I made 47 QSO.