Sunday outdoor activity from GMA and OKFF

Autumn has arrived, and the weather is getting colder each day. Last week, it rained almost every day, but finally, the sun is shining again.
I really felt the need to go outside to a quiet place in the forest, away from people, with just my backpack and my radio. The two GMA spots were not very close to my home, so I had to drive for about an hour to reach a nice parking spot I had selected using the excellent website.
The first GMA spot was OL/ST-569 – Hřebenáč. It was a pleasant walk through a damp and peaceful forest. Despite the sunny weather, the air was chilly, so I didn’t encounter any other people – just as I wanted. The top of the hill was densely wooded, making antenna deployment challenging. In the end, the antenna was only about 5m above the ground. Not ideal, but it should work. Unfortunately, the propagation wasn’t great. After about 20 minutes and only 5 QSOs, I turned off the radio and packed everything back into my backpack.

The walk to the next GMA OL/ST-832 – Vršina took a bit longer. Getting to the hill was not easy — the terrain was steep, but it was still very enjoyable with no people around. This time, the antenna deployment went well, and the highest point was about 8m above the ground. This activation concluded with 46 QSOs. The entire area is also OKFF-0008, and the Flora & Fauna program is much more popular than GMA or SOTA.