Hamshack in 2021. I did many changes, simplified the desk, now using KX3 as the main radio together with HLA300PA from RM Italy. CQRLOG is running on Raspberry PI 2 with 1GB of RAM. It’s a nice fanless computer that has plenty of power to run CQRLOG without any problem. I use RealVNC on Mac Mini to connect to the Raspberry Pi. TS-590SG is used mainly on 80M, FT-817ND is used on 2M band.

Me in the new ham shack with one of our three cats. Her name is Ája.

At the beginning of 2016, I bought a new radio because the old TS-930S died. The new radio is TS-590SG. The rest of the shack is the same. L-4B, WinKeyer USB, Palstar PM2000AM, N2DAN paddle from Bencher #1200, CQRLOG on the screen.

Photo of my hamshack in 2015. L-4B, TS-930SAT, FT-817, WinKeyer USB, Palstar PM2000AM, N2DAN paddle from Bencher #1200, CQRLOG on the screen. The L4B is borrowed from our local club OK1KMG.

Summer 2010 two months after I became an FOC member. On the desk is the N2DAN paddle from Bencher #1200.

My first PA on the desk and for the first time, the CQRLOG for Linux on the screen. The paddle on the picture is HexKey from Elecraft. Picture from 2008.

First photo of my hamshack in 2007 just after we moved to our own apartment in Neratovice. I bought TS-930SAT and used it together with ZACH paddle I got from my wife. Antena was inverted V for 40m band tunned to other bands with Z-100 autotuner from LDG.

Hamshack in Praha, I sold the FT-707 and bought QRP FT-817. Used it with inverted V antenna wired only for weekends. This photo was taken just before CQ WW CW 2004.

Photo from 2002 before I went to Praha. On the top of the antenna, the tuner is M160B together with the pump key and TRX Trapper for the 40m band.

My hamshack in 2000. I bought my first profesional radio the YEASU FT-707. On the roof had HB9CV for 20m. Nice years with lot of nice DX QSO.

My ham radio career started in 1998 when I got my license. This picture shows my first ham shack with MINI-Z tube TRX, M160-B transceiver, Baycom modem for packet radio and M02 TRX for 2M FM. There is also my first paddle from the polarized relay contact set.