"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

EU HF Championship 2016 in SO HP

I really like EU HF Championship. You make only EU to EU QSO and it’s fun even with my small station. Propagation was not good, I expected more QSO on 20m. Finally, the contest was over with 683 QSO in the log including 3 dupes :).

OK/OM DX Contest in SO AB HP

My first contest in this category. Actually, it was not all bands, a few days before the contest, something happened with my sloper antenna for 80M. I used it also for 160M. All band category without two bands :).

CQ WW CW 2011 is over

After long time we had great conditions. I have only limited time for operating, spent all openings to W6,VK, JA etc. with our sons playing with model trains. I was looking for USA stations because I still need WY for LoTW WAS. I already have a few QSO with West Virginia but nobody is using […]

CQ WPX CW 2005

V pátek večer jsem se vrátil ze služební cesty a do postele jsem se dostal až po půlnoci. Měl jsem nastavený budík na mobilu na 02:00. Biologické hodiny mě vzbudily až v 02:10. I když jsem měl telefon téměř u hlavy, mohl si řvát jak chtěl.

Polní den 2004

Pěkný to závod. Moje QTH byl kopec Jílová nedaloko Bunče (Chřiby). TRX byl FT817, anténa PA0MS. Neměl jsem žádný koncový stupeň ale i tak 5 W stačilo na QSO s 9A, DL, YU, HA, OE.