"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

My activity from Flora & Fauna areas

World Flora & Fauna program is very popular. You can work several stations from different areas every day. I was also active from three areas this year. Twice from a car, once with QRP FT-817.  My next activity will be with QRP directly from the area. Sitting in the car is not funny.

Ready to QSO on 60M

Today I got my licence for 60M. If you want to make a QSO, please send me an email. I can work on these frequencies: CW: 5227.5, 5290.0, 5299.5, 5314.5, 5332.0, 5334.5, 5363.5, 5368.0, 5373.0, 5396.5, 5400.0, 5405.0 Rig will be TS-590SG with sloper for 80M tuned with LDG Z-100 autotuner. See you on the air!

My 2015 summary

Last year was very successful in my ham radio career – over 5000 QSO. Unfortunately not everything was good… .

Three new countries in last three days!

Last three days were amazing! The propagation was really good and I made three new countries – E6, T2 and 3D2KM. Especially operators of the E6GG did very good job. Almost no QRM on their freq, no cops and excellent operating. I made QSO in last two days of the expedition. Thank you! Also T2GC expedition has very […]

FOCUS 25th Anniversary QSO Party

To celebrate 25 years of the FOC’s in-house magazine FOCUS, the 100th edition of which will be published on 1 January 2015, FOC members will be calling „CQ FOC25.“  Points will be earned, by members and non-members, for working FOC officers, FOCUS editors and any FOC members.  A certificate will be issued to everyone who achieves […]

FOC QSO Party – 13 September 2014

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen […]

First Class CW Operators’ Club 75thAnniversary On-Air Celebration

To commemorate our 75th anniversary in May FOC is holding a month-long on-air event featuring at least 45 special FOC-suffix calls.  These will include GB75FOC, a special anniversary call for our club station.  (GC4FOC will be used when operating from Wales, GN4FOC from Northern Ireland, GP4FOC from Guernsey, GS4FOC from Scotland, and GT4FOC from Isle of Man). […]

FOC QSO Party – 22 September 2012

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen […]

ARRL Diamond DXCC Challenge

2012 is the 75th anniversary of the ARRL’s DXCC Award–the world’s preeminent DXing award continues to be DXCC, so reaching the “Diamond milestone” is an event that we all want to celebrate. Going back to the roots of the award, and specifically reading the 1937 DXCC List (January, 1937 QST pages 52-3), we can learn […]