"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

CQRLOG 1.4.1 released!

Version 1.4.1 keys in CW Fx window also send CW messages error after click to “Station list” button in WAS statistic – fixed wrong US state was marked like AL in WAS statistic – fixed TRX control fixed after change TRX name in Preference, the description in TRX window wasn’t changed – fixed number of […]

CQRLOG 1.4.0 released!

News: freq is displayed in 10Hz resolution instead of 100Hz Country name field into QSO list added added OR symbol into QSL_S combo box (Online Request) OK, Cancel and other buttons in filter window moved to the right to reduce window height rig control rewrited to use rigctld LoTW/eQSL users has the same background color […]

Web page moved

I had been using Drupal for over 7 years. Unfortunately after recent upgrade to version 7.0 it completely crashed. I was not able reinstall or revert changes (except restore from backup). Every attempt to upgrade Drupal ended with red html page with tons of errors. My wife has been using Joomla for several years, so […]

Fake profile at HamQTH.com

I feel very sad. When I put HamQTH.com online, I didn’t think that somebody creates abuse profile for other hamradio operator. Nick, UY0ZG noticed me that his profile is a fake. Disgusting fake profile with nasty photo and a lot of craps.

New version of HamQTH.com callbook online!

I’d like to inform you about news at HamQTH.com – Free hamradio callbook database. News: added CONDX prediction tab where you see the best time and band to contact searched station, this is possible thanks to VOACAP online into edit profile page WAZ, ITU, UTC offset, latitude, longitude and continent fields added (some of them […]

A brief interview with me on DXCOFFEE

Windows and Mac have plenty of ham radio applications to be used under their operating systems, but what about Linux users? The following is an interview with Petr, OK2CQR, the developer of CQRLog, the logging program for Linux users. http://www.dxcoffee.com/eng/2012/02/08/cqrlog-linux-logging-progra/

CQRLOG 1.3.0 released

News: full eQSL support added (filter, statistics, export, import …) DXCC, WAS, WAC, ITU, WAZ and IOTA statistic improved export QSO to CSV file for SOTA website added option to show previous QSO with station that was /p, /m etc added program now takes UTC time from the computer time added new column “qslr” into […]


CQRLOG for Linux – http://www.cqrlog.com/?q=node/4 WinkeyerUSB server – http://www.cqrlog.com/?q=node/149

LoTW WAS finished!

I finally finished my LoTW WAS! I still didn’t QSO my last state – Wyoming. Today was lucky day for me, because I made QSO with Dwayne, WY7FD from WY. QSO is already confirmed and I also send the application. I’m very happy. It took me quite long time to complete my WAS award.