FOC QSO Party 14 May 2011

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen that we should all be as active as possible on the bands.

 Duration: 00:00Z to 23:59Z.


FOC members – Make as many member and non-member QSOs as possible.
Non-members – To contact as many FOC members as possible.

Exchange: Stations call „CQ BW“
FOC members: RST, Name & FOC Number
Non-members: RST & Name

You are encouraged to have at least short chats with other stations.

Frequencies: CW portions of all bands except WARC bands which are excluded. Operating window from .015 to .040.

FOC members – Total QSOs and total FOC QSOs, counted once per band. For example: 302/177 would indicate total QSOs/total FOC member QSOs.
Non-Members – Report total QSOs with FOC members, counted once per band.

Awards: Certificates will be awarded to the station on each continent reporting the highest number of QSOs. Certificates will be awarded in both categories – members and non-members.

No logs or verification are required. Send your report to: by 28 October 2010. Results will be posted on the FOC Public Web site and published in the FOC News Sheet. A full report will appear in FOC’s quarterly magazine, FOCUS.