Activity from OKFF-1058 Úpor

Lovely sunny Monday afternoon after a week of rainy days with a cold wind. I need some time to relax and be in nature to recharge my mental batteries. The OKFF-1058 is very close to our home. Short but very nice trip.
It’s not my first activity in this OKFF area, I already was there operating from our car using TS-590SG and INVEE antenna a few years ago. I barely made 44 QSO, something was wrong with the antenna or propagation. It was no fun at all, operating from a car. Today I was on food and decided to take a long walk to find a comfortable operating position. I was lucky and found one after a short time. Look at the picture, it was excellent QTH.
I made 58 QSO on CW, then QSO with my daddy OK7WA on SSB who sent the spot to the dx cluster. Finally made 79 QSO and charged my internal batteries a bit.