GP7DX antenna arrived

I had been using GP8 for a long time. Last year I had to take the vertical down because of roof repairs. It’s in a good shape but sometimes after heavy rain, there is a problem with SWR on some bands. Maybe some of the traps are not completely waterproof after all the years. Last year in the middle of July I wrote an email to Waldek SP7GXP if he can send me the new vertical by post service. He wrote me, that they will have a new version of the GP7DX vertical in September and I have to wait.
At the end of February, I got an invoice, sent the money, and wait. It took about another three weeks to get the antenna. The new version should handle more power and do not require anchoring with a rope. It’s a great improvement but I’m going to anchor the antenna anyway. We have very strong winds and I don’t want to destroy the antenna.
There are a few pictures:

The matching box is very interesting. Now there are two cores above each other instead of only one in the older version. I’m probably the first customer with this new antenna version and looking forward to having it on the roof.