Website moved to WordPress
I had been using Joomla for many years despite problems with security, plugins, extensions, etc. I would move to WordPress sooner I was afraid of how much work it will take.
This holiday I had strong flu and had to stay in bed – a great time to do some boring work with moving my personal page to WordPress.
It took some time, I had to move all articles and content to WordPress using FG Joomla to WordPress plugin. It went fine but still needs plenty of work. I wrote a PHP script that created a list of redirections from old addresses to a new one. Unfortunately, the plugin did not preserve the original URL addresses. Another problem was with pages that were not basic articles but just a simple HTML pages.
I’m very happy with WordPress and use it on my personal page in the Czech language. It works like a charm, the Guttenberg editor is awesome, and I have everything I need. I haven’t searched for plugins for a gallery, comments, etc., everything is integrated into a basic WordPress installation.
If you find something wrong with this new website, please let me know. Thanks a lot.