"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

CQRLOG 1.5.7 released

News: Enter key in Filter window will activate the filter blank locator field in Group edit clears locator field ADIF export didn’t contain DXCC field with ADIF id of the country graline caused program crash after compile with recent FPC and Lazarus versions when the grid was in lowercase, the Big square statistic was broken […]

HamQTH.com celebrates two years anniversary

Today HamQTH.com celebrates two years anniversary with good health and growing number of users. What was the most important news last year? We moved to new and much faster server with 28 GB of RAM, 4x1TB disk connected to RAID 10. Forum has been added, now is not visited so often but hopefully, it will […]

First Class CW Operators’ Club 75thAnniversary On-Air Celebration

To commemorate our 75th anniversary in May FOC is holding a month-long on-air event featuring at least 45 special FOC-suffix calls.  These will include GB75FOC, a special anniversary call for our club station.  (GC4FOC will be used when operating from Wales, GN4FOC from Northern Ireland, GP4FOC from Guernsey, GS4FOC from Scotland, and GT4FOC from Isle of Man). […]

CQRLOG 1.5.2 released!

News: added CTRL+W hotkey to send spots to dxcluster DX cluster shows also country name next to the spot (must be enabled in Prefereces) international characters in New QSO window should work again DX spots with freq eqauls to the start of the band (21.000, 14.000 etc., usually notes) are ignored HamQTH added to dx […]

FOC QSO Party – 22 September 2012

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen […]

HamQTH and new server

Thanks to your donations, I could buy much better server. Now HamQTH VPS (virtual private server) has 3GB RAM and 90GB HDD. The old server has only 1GB RAM. I did tons of optimization but last few months the server was overloaded most of the time. I’m going to move HamQTH to new server tomorrow […]

New version of HamQTH.com released

New version of HamQTH.com is online! News: last 5 uploaded logs are stored and available for download – another backup for your QSO IOTA and POWER fields added to logsearch new log upload page for logging software developers created, more in developers section a few layout improvements developers section improved uploading images improved a few […]

HamQTH one year anniversary

What happened during our first year? How was HamQTH improved? Information about new free ham radio call book was published on 29 of June 2011. After that, I got a lot of databases from users, who like the idea of HamQTH, and imported it. Thank to them, the database had more than 1 300 000 […]

CQRLOG website is back online!

New CQRLOG website almost finished. Now it’s running on Drupal 7 with ZeroPoint theme. We also added a few modules to improve our forum. Unfortunately we had to remove a few modules which was incompatible with this Drupal version like WebFile manager(provided download counter etc.). Now have to fix all donwload links and do some […]

CQRLOG website offline

We are moving cqrlog.com to our server. The page will be offline or even unavailable for day or two (because of very long TTL on old DNS server). Please be patient.