HamQTH.com celebrates two years anniversary

Today HamQTH.com celebrates two years anniversary with good health and growing number of users.

What was the most important news last year? We moved to new and much faster server with 28 GB of RAM, 4x1TB disk connected to RAID 10. Forum has been added, now is not visited so often but hopefully, it will get better in the future. UI was improved as well. Lots of changes were made to developers interface. Application developers can use DX cluster feed, dxcc callsign search, upload QSO in real time etc.

Recent news:

  • Simple award verification protokol added (more in developers section)
  • Feedback button added
  • a few small bug fixed


HamQTH.com statistics:

  • 527,346 visitors
  • 4,080,887 page views
  • 15,965 registered users
  • 11,137,898 QSO in the log from 1,650 different callsigns
  • 13,240,055 queries to XML search

It won’t be possible without your support. Please upload your images to HamQTH, tell your friends about it and use it every day. If you like HamQTH.com, please consider small donation and/or put our banner to your home page.

73 Petr, OK2CQR
HamQTH.com owner