"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

Activity from OKFF-0224 – Holý vrch

I did this activation with my wife during a weekend when our children were staying with their grandparents. I attempted to create a video documenting the activation, providing a basic overview. However, it’s important to note that it falls far short of the quality found in videos produced by Thomas, K4SWL—it’s just a first attempt.

CQRPROP 0.0.8 has been released

After a long time, we have a new version of CQRPROP! There are no new features, just one bug fix – downloading images over HTTPS failed. The new version is available on GitHub, and packages for Ubuntu 22.04 and 22.10 are almost ready on Launchpad.

Website moved to WordPress

I had been using Joomla for many years despite problems with security, plugins, extensions, etc. I would move to WordPress sooner I was afraid of how much work it will take.This holiday I had strong flu and had to stay in bed – a great time to do some boring work with moving my personal […]

Activity from OL/ZL-105 – Jílová

I thought that my last activity this year will be the activity from OKFF-2010. Our twins wanted to celebrate their birthday with grandma and grandpa, who live in the Moravia region. The celebration was planned for the afternoon so I had a few hours to visit Jílová, again.

Elecraft KX2 on my desk

I’m so happy to have this radio on my desk! I sold TS-590SG to have enough money to buy it. I don’t regret it at all. It took almost six months to new radio arrived. KX2 will be my radio for portable activities like GMA and OKFF. I’m looking forward to my first activation with […]