"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

How a son found his parents after 40 years

Last week I got package with famous Mercury paddle from Bencher. Original author of this paddle is Steven Nurkiewicz, N2DAN. After his dead the rights were sold to Bencher and they serial numbers start at 1000. My paddle has s/n 1200. Steven’s life is very interesting. On 22th of March 1981 was published his life […]

Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy

It is a book by Carlo IK0YGJ, that has just been translated into English. You can download it here: http://www.qsl.net/ik0ygj/enu/index.html  Carlo says: This book is the result of several years of experience in amateur radiotelegraphy. It suggests, for the first time, a learning methodology based on an integrated and multidisciplinary approach designed to accompany the […]

New PZK award – 80 YEARS OF PZK

In 2010 PZK (Polish Radio Amateur Association) celebrates 80th anniversary of establishment and presents new award – 80 years of PZK. More details and rules are available here: http://awards.pzk.org.pl/html/80_Lat_Regulamin.htm

Winkeyer USB server 0.2.0 released (2010-01-09)

I developed an UDP server allowing operation of the Winkey USB by K1EL with any Linux program with UDP keyer capability. It works in the same way as the popular cwdaemon. With Winkeyer USB server expands the useability of this excellent product to all Linux program with UDP keyer capability (TLF by PA0R etc.)

CQRLOG 0.9.0 released (2009-12-20)

News: program compiled in recent Lazarus version propagation indices added user definable digital modes added (in Preferences -> Modes tab) program shows new QSOs confirmed by LoTW after import SQL console added (with export to CSV and HMTL), now you can do with QSOs whatever you want callsign attachments – you can add almost everything […]

5N/LZ1QK has a new call

Nick has been active for long time as 5N/LZ1QK, unfortunately he didn’t have valid amateur radio licence for Nigeria and QSOs will not count for DXCC credit. But now Nick, LZ1QK has a new call – 5N3WQK which is valid. He is on the air almost every day, especially on 17m. QSL via LZ1CL.

Huge eruption on the back side of the sun

From CWOPS list (posted by Mike, W0YR): Yesterday, there was a huge eruption on the back side of the sun. Spaceweather.com estimates that the mass coronal ejection was of a magnitude of at least a billion tons. The attached movie shows the magnitude of this occurance. Notice, this is not an animation. It is a […]