IARU HF Championship as OL6HQ

I was part of the 15M CW team in IARU HF Championship. The contest started at 1200 UTC and first 40 minutes was great but I had to leave the station because of horrible headaches. I had to spend the rest of Saturday in bed and returned to the radio at Sunday 0500am and left it after the end of the contest. The propagation was really bad, we made over 1400 QSO. I gave 161 to all FOC members after the QSO. There are a few photos from the contest.
Me on RUN operating position. The radio was IC-7800.
Pavel, OK1MU on S&P operating position with IC-7600.
RUN operating position with my HexKey paddle.
S&P operating position with IC-7600 and ZACH magnetic paddle.
Open M/M combine from RemoteQTH.com.
View from one of the towers in the QTH.
6 el. YAGI stack for 15M.
The Team (left to right) me, Dan OK1HRA, Pavel OK1MU, Honza OK2ZAW, Standa OK1CID
It was a great pleasure to be part of the team. See you next year guys!