Activity from OKFF-1336 Černý Orel

Another new OKFF area. Very nice forest with nice houses integrated into it. You open a door and you are in the forest. What a beautiful place! This time I took my son with me. He has a metal detector and his hobby is searching for items buried under the ground.
We left out car in a parking place and continues on food. It took maybe 20 minutes to get there. There was a nice operating desk, probably the best place I’ve ever had. Even antenna wire ended at about 10 meters above the ground. I set up all the equipment and started to call CQ. I got a response almost immediately. Hudge pile up, signals were very strong. Everything was perfect until tons of mosquitoes arrived. It was hard to send CW and not to be hit by them very often.
We spent about an hour there and had to pack everything up very quickly. My wife needed a car at a certain time and we already had a delay. Finally, I made 62 QSO with KX3, 10W and EFHW antenna on trees.