Activity from OKFF-1224 Bažantice v Satalicích

It was my first activation of this area. OKFF-1224 has located maybe 20km from our home but I’ve never been there before. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of trees and people. It took some time to find a hidden location where I could wire my antenna and put the rig. I don’t like to be in an open place with other people.
I was lucky and find a very nice place in non visited part of the area. I still could hear other visitors but my operating position was hidden behind a bush. In the begging, I could not make any contact. I was calling and calling without any response. My first QSO was with Axel DL6KVA then nothing for a long time. Next QSO was with Frank, DL8LG and suddenly pileup started. The last QSO was with my daddy OK7WA on SSB. In an hour and half, I made 58 QSO.
The weather was beautiful, blue sky. Look at the pictures.