"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

My 30th birthday gift

Today I celebrated my 30th birthday. My wife, Misa, baked me very nice cake. It looked like front panel of my transceiver TS-930 SAT. I got two very nice books one is about psychology of men in battle – Acts of War. The behavior of Men in Battle from Richard Holmes, and the second is […]

HamQTH 6 months anniversary

HamQTH.com started 6 moths ago. Information about new free ham radio call book was published on 29 of June 2011. When it started we had a few problems with old records for many US stations. I did a mistake in script that imported data from FCC database. Fortunately, I fixed the problem soon.

ARRL Diamond DXCC Challenge

2012 is the 75th anniversary of the ARRL’s DXCC Award–the world’s preeminent DXing award continues to be DXCC, so reaching the “Diamond milestone” is an event that we all want to celebrate. Going back to the roots of the award, and specifically reading the 1937 DXCC List (January, 1937 QST pages 52-3), we can learn […]

HamQTH.com is growing

It seems that HamQTH.com become more and more popular. Yesterday I found out that my profile at qrz com has been deleted. It was without any warning or email notice. I’m just deleted :-). No problem, you find me at www.hamqth.com/ok2cqr. Please be aware of qrz.com, if you do something what they don’t like, you’ll […]

CQ WW CW 2011 is over

After long time we had great conditions. I have only limited time for operating, spent all openings to W6,VK, JA etc. with our sons playing with model trains. I was looking for USA stations because I still need WY for LoTW WAS. I already have a few QSO with West Virginia but nobody is using […]

How to change CTRL+ALT hotkeys in VMware Player

You probably know the VMware player – a freeware virtualization software package from VMware. You can create your own microgaming casinos in new zealand virtual machines for free. It doesn’t support features such as Teams, multiple snapshots and Clones etc. It is available only for non-commercial usage. At home, I’m pure Linux user and need […]

FOC QSO Party 22 Oct 2011

FOC is pleased to present the FOC QSO Party. This event is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. Its aim is to encourage the use of, and excellence in, Morse code. The FOC QSO Party is not a contest but an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, a past Chairman of FOC who was […]

CQRLOG 1.2.1 released

News: HamQTH.com integration improved qrz.com XML search fixed   Files for download are at http://www.cqrlog.com/node/4, Ubuntu users can update from cqrlog repository.

CQRLOG 1.2.0 released

News: HamQTH.com XML search added after View QSO New QSO window remained in readonly mode – fixed CTRL+F2 hotkey didn’t work in New QSO window – fixed DELETE statement wasn’t supported in SQL console – fixed in Remote mode when time pass the midnight hour date remain the same – fixed program crashed after attempt […]