"I'll give up CW when I'm dead! MAYBE!" (Rick, KC8AON)

CQRLOG 1.7.1 released

It has been 14 days since the last release and we have new version again. There are a few bugs fixed and two new features added. This version is released so early because I hope it could get to new Ubuntu LTS. More in Download section. Launchpad is going to start building packages in about […]

CQRLOG 1.5.7 released

News: Enter key in Filter window will activate the filter blank locator field in Group edit clears locator field ADIF export didn’t contain DXCC field with ADIF id of the country graline caused program crash after compile with recent FPC and Lazarus versions when the grid was in lowercase, the Big square statistic was broken […]

CQRLOG 1.5.2 released!

News: added CTRL+W hotkey to send spots to dxcluster DX cluster shows also country name next to the spot (must be enabled in Prefereces) international characters in New QSO window should work again DX spots with freq eqauls to the start of the band (21.000, 14.000 etc., usually notes) are ignored HamQTH added to dx […]

CQRLOG website is back online!

New CQRLOG website almost finished. Now it’s running on Drupal 7 with ZeroPoint theme. We also added a few modules to improve our forum. Unfortunately we had to remove a few modules which was incompatible with this Drupal version like WebFile manager(provided download counter etc.). Now have to fix all donwload links and do some […]

CQRLOG website offline

We are moving cqrlog.com to our server. The page will be offline or even unavailable for day or two (because of very long TTL on old DNS server). Please be patient.

CQRLOG 1.4.1 released!

Version 1.4.1 keys in CW Fx window also send CW messages error after click to „Station list“ button in WAS statistic – fixed wrong US state was marked like AL in WAS statistic – fixed TRX control fixed after change TRX name in Preference, the description in TRX window wasn’t changed – fixed number of […]

CQRLOG 1.4.0 released!

News: freq is displayed in 10Hz resolution instead of 100Hz Country name field into QSO list added added OR symbol into QSL_S combo box (Online Request) OK, Cancel and other buttons in filter window moved to the right to reduce window height rig control rewrited to use rigctld LoTW/eQSL users has the same background color […]

A brief interview with me on DXCOFFEE

Windows and Mac have plenty of ham radio applications to be used under their operating systems, but what about Linux users? The following is an interview with Petr, OK2CQR, the developer of CQRLog, the logging program for Linux users. http://www.dxcoffee.com/eng/2012/02/08/cqrlog-linux-logging-progra/

CQRLOG 1.3.0 released

News: full eQSL support added (filter, statistics, export, import …) DXCC, WAS, WAC, ITU, WAZ and IOTA statistic improved export QSO to CSV file for SOTA website added option to show previous QSO with station that was /p, /m etc added program now takes UTC time from the computer time added new column „qslr“ into […]

CQRLOG 1.2.1 released

News: HamQTH.com integration improved qrz.com XML search fixed   Files for download are at http://www.cqrlog.com/node/4, Ubuntu users can update from cqrlog repository.